August 7, 1956 Dr. E. Kellenber ger Laboratoire de Biophysisue Universite de Geneva Switzerland Dear Dr. Kellenber ger: Thakk you for pour letter of duly 14. The Lp types mentionedm in the paper have been and are being studied further. The immune phenotype is associated with the he terogenotic state, and accaérding to our present working hypcthesis corresponds to a genotype in which the Lp® factor 4s carried both in the fragment and in the chromosome. Alternatively, lysogenic heterogenotes are believed to carry Lp* in both sites. A number of additional experiments are needed, and some are under way, to test this hypothesis. The main evidence for it is that all haploid (non-heter ogenotic) segregants from the Immune clonesaare sensitive; conversely, of the heterogenotic derivatives from the same clones remain immune. The occurrence of these imaune types is fairly typical of transductions to sensitive recipients, when these can be carried out at low miltiplicity (i.e., with "HFT" lysates). Dr. Morse has been undle to find any evidence of produétion of lambda from these immnes, in distinction to ous and others! experience with other"defective prophages". If you would be interested in an electron-microscépic study of this situation, we will be obliged to hear of your results. Under separate cover, Mrs. Lederberg is sending ~518 which will serve as well as any other culture for the demonstrdion, as remested in your letter. We thank you for sending us reprints of your studies, and hope the ex- change will be continued. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics