on 32°) March 1556 J Lederberg Dept.of Genetics Univ.of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin, USA ae Dear Sir, Possessing the majority of the type culture collection ot Saimonella and the immunsera corresponding them, I Should like to attempt some trans-— ‘ductiona in ccurse of my studies on Enterobacteriaceae. I shouid be very obliged to you for sending me the PLT 22 phag stock or the corresponding 1ysogenic strain of S.typhi murium,as well as an indi- cator strain tuo. In literature 1 found your phagwpre- paration the most conveniently used throughout the ex- periments. Reepéting my request, I wait for your reply, and if possible, for your kind tending of the pheg preparation and some reprints of your former work on the same subjects. Thanking you in advance for this cour- tesies, gincereLty yours os Dr.G. Kelemen vj Institute for Microbiology - Medical Schuol,Pécs, Hungary } J1Y Raké6czi ut 2.Magyarorszag.