Colunthia Cuihersity inthe City of HewPork [New yorK 27. N. Y.] DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY June 3,1955 Dr.J.Lederberg Dept.of Genetics University of Wiscénsin Madison 6,Wisc. Bear Dr.Lederberg: 4t the end of my 2-year stay with Dr.Ryan at New York I am planning to visit some colleagues during our summer tour through the continent.So I should like very much to see you und your co- workers.l wouid come to Madison on a day between 5th and 8th of July; unfortunately,it is not possible to give the exact date be- cause of the circumstances,tlease be so kind to give me notice soon in the case you would not be able to receive my visit xxx during this time. Sincerely yours, Buk ynes Reinhard W.Kaplan