ig Department of Racteriology University of Kanses Lawrence, Kan. March 1st 1950 Nr. J. Lederberg Nepartment of Genetics University of “isconsin Madison, “is. Dear Dr. Lederberg: In June of last year I graduated from Indiana Mniversity with a M.A. degree in bacteriology. A few months before eradu- atior I wrote you, asking sbout the possibility of working and - studying with you on a rart time basis. At thet time ell essis- tantships had been filled and no full time rsearch positions were available. Since I was not able to come to study with you indepen- fently of financial support, I took a temnorary government rosi- tion at the National Institute of Health with Dr. ®. Guthrie, wor- king on a rroblem in bacterial senetics. Dr. Guthrie had then al- ready been appointed chairman and full professor of the derart- ment of bacteriology at this university, and at the end of thesum- mer he asked me to join the university sbaff as an assistant in- structor, with the oprortunity to work on a Ph.D. This, in short, is what I have been doing since lest June. Unfortunetely , a situation arose iv this denarbenta recently, which leadttot<] "r. Guthrie's resignation on Februery 2&th. This came as a terrible shock to all of us who had come to the Universi- ty of Kansas to work with him either on ‘he steff or as students. Since my mein scientific interest is still in the field of bacterial genetics, and sinee this subject will not be taught here after % Nr. J. Lederberg (cont'da.) Dr. Guthrie's departure, I do not feel justified in staving on here for a degree. So once more I am wondering if there is an onrortunity for me to work with you at the Imniversity of “iscconsin towards a Ph.D. degree. Unfortunetely my economic situatton has not changed, that is, I still need some kind of work to support my studies. Any suggestions you may have will be of value. Sincerely yours,