December 28, 1955 Dr. Niels K. Jerne State Serum Institute Copenhagen, Denmark Dear Br, Jerne: I would appreciate the favor of a renrint of your note on antibody formation which appears in the No.v. 1955 , Proc. Nat. Acad. J.5., and which has just come to my attention. Unfortunately, I was not acquainted with your views in time to credit them at a symposium on gene-enzymes relationships which was hedd at Detroit early in November. Monod had gone so far as to imply that even in induced enzyme formation, the iniucing substuste acts as a teaplate for "molding" the enzyme -- in a rebuttal to this propcesal, I was moved like yourself to question the same concept even for antibody formation, where théxeis at least some basis for it. Ian told that this “hatural selection# hypo- thesis is not very distant from Ehrlich's own views, but have not delved deeply into his writings. At any rate, I was pleased to see 2t least one explicit hypothesis of the mschanism by which an antigen could “select” ane of many synthetic potentialities, and I just wanted te let you know that you have at least one second for your proposal. Yours sincarelr. Lo /\ ee “fj wf et pita Lederberg! ofessor of Gene ti f