DEPARTMENT OF TAALTE, ae 7 —_ ¢ Public Health Service NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH © Bethesda 14, Md. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARTHRITIS AND METABOLIC DISEASES NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DENTAL RESEARCH January oO 19 56 NATIONAL HEART INSTITUTE ’ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH NATIONAL MICROBIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES AND BLINDNESS THE CLINICAL CENTER DIVISION OF RESEARCH GRANTS Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Reprints for the paper you recently requested have not come in yet, but as soon as they do I shall send one along. In regard to the enzyme system possibly involved, we have made some preliminary determinations but nothing definite can be said so far. It looks, however, like there may be no differences in enzyue activity levels between the long-sleeping and short-sleeping @ strains. If this is the case, the basis for this difference may be tied up in some way with differences in sensitivity due to the theoretical receptor centers. This hae some interesting implications, and this mouse material may prove to be suited for experimentation on this theoretical mechanism. As to the atropine esterase system in rabbits, I know of no other work than that of Glick and associates and Bernheim and Bern= heim. However, Dr. Sawin may know, and an inquiry to him might be worthwhile. Thanking you for your interest, I remain Since Ne Te iz Me.