January 23, 1956 Dr. BE. F. Jay National Institutes of Heal th Bethseda 14, Mc, Dear Dr. Jay: I noted with gnterest your communication to Proc Soc on strain variabikity in response to hypnotics. Cavalli and I are collecting material for a mono- graph, and wa I would be grateful to you for a reprint of it. Have you any more recent word on the enzymatic basis of the differences, as hinted at in the paper? If you can give ma any lsada to additicnal references on thts general teric wf pharmecological varlebility, beyond those already cited in your note, I would be indebted to you. ‘Bo you know, e.g., of any recent work on the atropine esterase system in rabbits?]. Yours sincerely, Josma Lederberg