WASHINGTON \ UNIVERSITY SAINT LOUIS (5), MO. THE HENRY SHAW SCHOOL OF BOTANY August 21, 1946 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Osborn Botanical Laboratory Yale University New Eaven, Connecticut Dear Joshua: I want to thank you very much for the directions con- cerning your new method, which we have been using with 4 great ceal of profit. Our own attemots to work the vitamin deficiencies into pedigrees héve not been particularly fruitful and I am beginning to wonder if there isn't some fundamental dif- ficulty involved, especially since Beadle has such an extensive series of these characters and has as yet re- ported no pnedigree involving then. We would, however, be very much interested in trying to work something out with yeasts, if it is possible. Certainly you would be in a better position to cooperate with us in this job than anyone else and I would be very happy to work with you. ‘fe are sending you one of our best cultures and in the event you develop any mutants from this, we would be pleased to mike some matings and sttemnot to analyze the progeny. ‘ith best regards to all the other folks in the lab- oratory, I an, Sine erely your Carl C. Lindegren faye > ras Research Professor = CCL: jem ae pS. Will and difaid Add HH Rema At, Wa hore bal ey warn don) es at ety pp ~ Newt Aaa for abee . WU witG poor Lenny