Lecenber 1, 1956 Dr, William Trager The HKockefeller Institute for Medical Research 66th Street and York Aveme New York 21, N. ¥, Dear Dr, Trager: Thank you for your message of November 26, I! am sorry that Ur, Inoki's paper is not suitable for you, but I heve no prief whatsoever in this matter having only a slight acquaintance with the author, May I sugcest that you retain his manuscript until you have received a reply from hin, I will be communicating with him on another matter in due course and if he has not given you further instructions I will pass word on io you. If you have heard nothing after a reasonable interval, may I ask .hat you simply return the manuscript directly to hin, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL gnhn