RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR MICKOBIAL DISEASES OSAKA UNIVERSITY OSAKA, JAPAN August 1, 1952 Dr. J. Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin U e 5 e A e Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am very acknowledged for your recent kind letter, however i am very reggrettable that I could not reply before this time. In fact, I was out of my laboratory for a while. peck, Reading your letter,I was very,struck by your unexpectable thoughtfulness even paa—to my impudent requests. WMegverrs This tter is to write you that Was recentl adviced by,Dr. D. Le Augustine geese "ee genes School of Pyblic Health, Boston, to make application for admission for the academic year 1952-53. ( which begins on September 22, 1952.) Only I Weaimif I could recieve any financial ‘aid for my staying in Boston, but I determined to try this application and am sending this application form to Bostom. yd Here I should beg your pardom for having placed your name in the item of tas application form without Walting your approval. The item is that ' Give name and addresses of two or more persons, well acquainted with, who, at your request, are sending letters about your qualifications to the Dean & Pref. Des bv bv -Augusting=} of the School of Public Health, Harvard University, 55 Shattuck Street, Bostom,15, Mass.' In reality, I fear that this request is too troublesome for you, but I can not help asking for your help. Because yourare one of toe personswho hase very acquaintance with my works at least of my genetical studies. Then if you would kindly send your recommendation letter to Dean of Harvard School of Public Health, I should be very much grateful to you. Of course, 4¢\ may limit to J iy works. As this application is urgent busisiness, I am sorry that I could not ask for your approval before 6 NA “W. « sa sé sent my application form. Because, I mst hurry up tw sendughis form, as he wrote me that my application forms will be brought before the Commitee on Admissions held for the academic year 1952-53 as described abuve. aa Ms At present, I fear tr.8y financial aid would be recieved for my application and studing in Boston. However, if it welsuccessfully made, I shall be able to have ag pleasant days in Madison in the negr future, und to talk about microbial genetics wd ym. Trusting your unchangeable kindness twards me and further help for my application, I am, ; ; PG — Phetat—etwck— grrr. Very sincerely yours, ’ Pain do Tie Los tod rho aomeat_parecbee . Shozo Bond” M.D. Ud : PS. Hee S dbpiuld Whe fo eutitet gi ao Department of Parasitology 3 Har ard 7 date Sehr L proncatige Gp via aa Ge app billion ton. wih usb he enreplt. l,