dune ‘15, 1948. Dr. James C, Humphries, Department of Bacterfology, University of Kentuoky, Lexington, Kentucky. Dear Dr. Humphries, We have undertaken here a genetic atudy of Salmonella, for which 4b would be very useful to hive a wide selection of bacterLophages active agéinst various strains, While e few phages have been gotten out of Hadison eexage, it would be cdvigeble to have others fron diverse sources. Gan you help us by providing us with lysates, or by refeering to ‘other. workere who night have a collection? at the moment, we are working most with 3. typhimurium, and would be most interested in phages active against this orgenism, but us it is expected that we will soon be using other atrains , any phages that you could send would be appreciated. If you have eny stocks av:tiuhle, I would appreciate it too if you could indicate the procedure or extent to which they have been purified. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg — Assistant Professor of Genetics,