January 19, 1956 Dr. R. D. Hotchkiss Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research 66th and York New York 21, N.Y. Bear Rollin: Thank you very much for sebding the typescript. It came actually in the nick of time, as I was just abcut to raturn the revisad galleys of my own discussion, Actually, I had been rather diffident about discussing a paper which I was told would te drastically revised, so the section just inserted is now much mcre explicit than it would otherwise have been. I don't think there is anything hese we disagree ebout. I am sorry thet I don't have an extra typescript of the paper. The enclosure covers most of the remerke about transduction, except for some introcuctory generalities that wern act changed. In fact, the main revision of this part waa to make the discussion 2zbout incorporation somwhat more mxpk Gefinite than Lt could have been ctherwige. I wouid like to study some of your arguments more closely. May I keep your typescript for a while? Thanks for the two reprints; I am sorry if your supply of some of the aldsr ones is sxhausted. Do you have a biblingraphte listy (I inciude one of my own for exchangel/ With beat regards, Joshua Lederberg