Jan 16, 1956 Dear Josh-- The typewriter ribbon needs replacing, but if you will forgive my hasty writing, I would like to transmit to you a typed copy of the manuscript for the Detroit Symposium. There has been some discussion whether you might want to reduce or rearrange some of your discussion re. my paper if you saw the final form (representing what I wish I were man enough to have poured out at the meeting) -- It follows my original outline but there just wasn't time, and my memory of that talk is a blurry one of trying to read badly scribbled notes and trying to eliminate section without making too many non-sequiture or gaps. The written paper comes out better, I think, though you will of course see that it too only goes a small way toward answering the questions tackled. Hope the New Year finds everything well with you and Esther. Best regards Sincerely Rollin This MS was only available about Christmas time, I think it was -- otherwise I'd have sent it before for your consultation in editing your discussion notes. It seemed too late then. RDA