February 15, 1950 Dr. John P. Hollis, Department of Botany, University of Missourl, Célutbia, issouri. Dear Dr. Hollis: Our "alkali-hydrolysed" yeast nucleic acid is prepared as follows (according to Levene): Dissolve log. "Yeast Nucleic Acid" (Sclmzarz Co.) in 90 mi H,0 + 16 al 2 conc. NH, OH. Place in Mason Jar cr other stoppered vessel, and autoclave at 15 lbs. pressure for 66 ~ 120 minutes. The product can be conveniently neutralized by bubbling CO,. It supposedly contains mixtures of free purine bashs, nucleosides and some nucleotides, and has generally been satisfactory if not used in too high a concentration. Probably it would be better to distill most of the amaondia cff before noutralizéng it. I have of ten diluted the hydrolysed material with an equal part of unhydrolysed sodiun "ribonucleate" to help assure that more complex compounds will also be represented in the mixture. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, Assistant Professor of Genetics