Tepartment of Voology Columbia University October 29, 1950 Dear Josh, I've finally finished my thesis and become a member of the union. Before I send the manuscript in to a publisher I would like to cneck with you on a reference to your work which is, I think, unpublisnec. In sup;ort of the hypothesis that ultraviolet radiation produces nuclear killing I state : "Lederberg (unpublishee) has induced homozygosity in K12 heterozygotes with ultraviolet radiation? Is tnis allrignt with you ? I hag a good time at the orals, at which there was grilling by Bernie Tavis, svelyn #itkin and especially Dunn, who made me add a lot of conjecture to the thesis. About the middle of next week I am leaving for Caltech, caving finally gotten the fellowsiir from Public Health, to work with Max. Altnouzn I won't be leaving there before next October, I'll be interested to near about the possibilities of coming to your laboratory. Pernaps you can sugzest the best agency to apvroacn for e fellowsnip- I think Public health will be out after this year, since they Go not usually support peo;le for more then two yeurs. With best wishes-— also to ustner and sorton Siaaky Zinder-