CHAS. PFIZER & CO, INC. ESTABLISHED 1849 PLANTS & LABORATORIES SALES OFFICES BROOKLYN,N.Y. GROTON, CONN. TERRE HAUTE,IND. Manufacturing Chemists NEW YORK CHICAGO 11 BARTLETT STREET SAN FRANCISCO BROOKLYN G, N.Y. September 28, 1948 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics College of Agriculture The University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Prof. Lederberg: Sorry we haven't much data on the points you men- tion in your letter of September first; however, I enclose some reprints which cover the work which has been done here. Please let me know if we can be of any further help to you. Sincerely, N. roe : be oe Sof os pO tts Lot i Ln ee Gladys L. Hobby, Ph. D. GLH:ns