man ima wom Mp Se 207° 7 DHS pra asa cy 7 pyr R 5° ns 5 Fan rAaiawt near 4391 4392 4393 Peds 934 un Sasarsan oratn Central Laboratery of the Kupat Holim(Jewish Workers Siek Fund), ccecossesestatveseeseeesesessaul une Haifa,P.0.B.954,Israel. Oetober 25,1952. Professor Joshua Lecerberg, Department of Geneties, University of Wiseonsin, Madisen 6 Wis. Dear Prefesser Lederberg: I am very sorry I eould not answer you earlier. I was glad to lernm from your letter of September 17 that my strain of a nom-motile H form ef S.paratyphi B might be of uss in your genetie studies.The eultures have been well preserved and I am sending to you a pareel by air containing: 1/2.The non-motile H form from the first isolation( No.1415),one eulture \ subeultured from a eolony in the l.phase,the other from the 2 . phase. 3,.The O ferm found during the seeond isolation(Ne. 2859). 4.The normal H ferm,obtaimed on swarm agar from the O form,as the H form whieh I get during the seeond iselation,had apparently died out. Although the O form had been preserved in a apparently pure state,it was very easy to get a well flagellated amd beau@ifully motile H form on the swarm agar. I eam easily replaee the non-motne H form eul- tures by others,yeunger ones,as the woman is from time!eoming up to our laboratory and some time age we eould again isolate ‘non-motile H forms of optimal H agglutinability from her feees. I am ineluding a reprint. Yours sine ly, WY We Hirseh,! M.