es WASHINGTON Sera SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SAINT LOUIS (10), MO. UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY EUCLID AVENUE AND KINGSHIGHWAY August 14, 1950 or. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I recently obtained from Dr. A.D. tiershey, wno nas since left Washington University, cultures of two organisms wnich I believe he said he had originally obtained from you. ihe cultures are designated Salmonella typhimurium SW 13 and Salmonella gallinarum SY 36. The former strain is lyso- genic, liberating a phage which is active against the S. gallinarum strain. Since I nave not found any reference to these strains in the literature, would you be kind enough to inform me whether 1) you nave published any work pertaining to these cultures or 2) you are aware of any other references, In case I am mistaken about the source of the cultures, I hope you will forgive me for having presumed upon your time. Thanking you in advence for your information, I am Yours very truly, oeucer J. adlow (Mrs.) Louise T. Adler