CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA woncay, September 21,1953. DIVISION OF BIOLOGY KERCKHOFF LABORATORIES OF BIOLOGY Dear Xsther and Jos lma, AS you see,I have arrived safely after a nost intriguing journey which I would'nt hve missed for anything. It was rather dull as far 2s Denver,but thereafter we passed through Rocky Mountain National Park and Salt lale City and visited Bryce,Grand Canyon and Zion National rarks,ending up with Hoover Dam and that extrsordinary place las Vegas where we had as wild and dissolute a night is our small son would allow. I have acquired a residence and an wginning to find my way around this place. Iwant to thank you both very much for yow hospitality to me during my short sta at wiadison. I much appreciated your mving m to stay at your home and feel that the opportunity of meeting you,as well as what I learnt fom you, more than justified my visit. I was only sorry that the stimulus could'nt lve been applied for longer. Jim Watson arrived here today and I was sorry that he was'nt able to visit you m route. I hope to start i.amnising some rabbits next monday and will let you mow if I gat any signifiemnt results. You offered me a coy of your useful ii=TLBy- auxotroph ani I would be glad if you could let m have this. Un plating out the stock cultwes which I brought wth m I find that my 58-161/7- (the Spicer strain) has gine been contaminated with Pyocyaneus and is no longer vieble. I think you heve this and I would tw very glad if you would sent it alone as well. It would t:ke quite some time to gst it fm. London. le se let me have a soy of one or two of the shotos you took too,nle set ‘ith best wishes ind .aany thanks to you doth, Sincerely yours, (dul