gee ce ES HORTICULTURAL INSTITUTION _ » » * Bayferdbury, Hertford, Herts. | ao a wp Dear Dr. Lederberg, & os eee” Thank you very much for your interésting letter. and for your interesting explanation of the "tempor: tat Tam sorry that.the Annual Report, of necessity, gave such an inadequate account, But .a ‘description and discussion of the data should have appeared in "Heredity" by now. ~>> your question about the relative actions on the pollen phenotype of the generative and vegetative nuclei, — I agree that it seems probable that the vegetative nucleus plays | the major role but I know of no real evidence for this, The work of Newcombe (J. of Genet 194% Find my own unpublished work show . that most of the pollen physiology is laid down before the division into the vegetative and generative nuclei, Furthermore, incompat- ibility seems to be laid down:even earlier; mutations from X-rays _ given just agter tetrad formation, which must be presumed to occur, have no effett on the immediate pollen phenotype. Despite this: - your explanation would still hold if the gene were behaving towards X-rays as if it were reproduced at this early stage ready for pollen grain. division, » But I have six families of plants derived from X-rays which contain more than three plants, and these could not have arisen by a mutation in the vegetative nucleus alone. . An. alternative to the "temporary" mutation explanation,as I see it,is that a change might have occurred in a possible cytoplasmic factor that is necessary for 5 gene express- ion. Such a hypothetical factor would have to be common to all the alleles otherwise if there were different factors specific to each S allele one would expect, due to irregular segregation of the cytoplasm at meiosis, the whole system to breakdown, With such a common cytoplasmic factor, both of the S alleles of the diploid should pass the sieve and this would result in families with both S homogygotes. As yet none have been found but the numbers are small and further tests, which are“in progress, are necessary before thf% occurrence can be excluded. _ Realizing that the "temporary" mutations would cut right across some of the orthodox concepts, I am cautious about it until further data are obtained, Yours sincerely, TT SD ry" mutations, ~ = i in MEE ane nc vate