Moveaber &, 1948. Dr. D. Lewis, | : , . - dobn Innes Horticultural Institation, | Ny Mostyn Road, Merton Pk.» (wos London SW 19, England. , ~ eR ‘Thank you for your note of 25 Oct. As you might imagine, { have also been much inpressed with the parallelisa of technique ‘and philosophy that pertains to the genetics of microbes and of pollen. Indeed, I was strongly teapted to included a discussion of the male gametophyte and of tissue cultures in ay recent review, under the general heading of "cellular genetics." It has seemed to me that if the problem of the continued propagation of the gametophytes of higher plants would be solved, that one would have the best material imaginable for physiological genetic studies. Wp : Ls baline? , My attempts to find qualitative of gene functions in bacteria have not yet been successful. The most promising material has consisted of cer- tain mutations which affect the production of several ensymes (e.g. glucozymase, maltase and lactase) at once, but attempts to find alleles ig which some of these functions are represented have generally resulted in "suppressor" mitations at other loot. By looking for mtational losses, in turn, in these suppressor stocks, however, we hope to gain some Ankling of the previous functions of these "suppressor" loci. However, an allele of one of the mtants has been found which is temperature sen- sitive, and which shows a distinct temperature threshold for its several effects and this might be regarded as a splitting of the specificities of the gene. In general the genetic determination of enzyme specifities has turned out to be far more Com plex than I would have imagined a priori from the one-to-one generalization. pret. % - 2 shall be glad to send you the reprints you asked for as soon as I receive the set of ay review in Heredity, and look forward to a con ~ $demed exchange of our ideas and pubjications. , Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Assistant. Profesecr of Genetics. Lae fetta nina 5 EA hat Mae a ~ » ok Hap nee: cael oe. tt ale no atl ater, PPI lec Boe Bae a ~ pf 2 thal ote 26.4