EDWARD F. HASKELL APARTMENT 46 438 WEST 116th ST. NEW YORK 27,N. Y. January 11, 199 Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Dept. of Genetics, Wisconsin University, Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Dr. Lederberg: Heartiest thanks for your letter of January 2nd. J well know how very pressed you must be for time, and deeply appreciate your help. I have concluded that since this article seems rather unclear to you, and since you are not sure that you understand it, the reader is sure not to under- stand it and certain to be confused. I am therefore re- turning the chapter to Dr. Dodd. TI am quoting you, without naming you, and suggesting that he re-write the paper and submit it as a chapter of our next symposium volume. Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of "Main Currents in Modern Thought," which con- tains an article dealing with the latest developments of Coaction Theory. This is the closest I can come to an offprint. At the same time I am placing your name on the publisher's list for early notification of the appearance of "Introduction to Unified Science." With warmest thanks and sincere regards, I am, Cordially yours, Use DP An KLE Edward F. Haskell, Chairman Organizing Committee Council for Unified Research and Education EFH/rm