washington University school of medicine April 8, 19438 br. Joshua Lederberg Devartment of ‘renetics University of .isconsin Madison, isconsin Dear Joshua, the U. S. Government is ¥n many wavs completely ber- serk...aid to Spain...aid to Narting..jetc. They seem to have adopted the thilosophv of\the lave J. C., namely, Knock and it shall be opened un 7Oue The letter arrived onlv a few days ago, and by that time I had long since given up hone. In many resrects i am genuinely sorrv about the rs- cent decision. I have of late been hearing an increasing number of excellent reports about wisconsin. I also thought a very good preface to research in mierogenetics would be ven viel'ts course in microbiology. However, I have had to write him and explain that for the present, at leas’, this triv is an impossibility. vunly time will tell if the general c.neensus of orinion is correct. Thank you again for your time and trouble. 1 certainly appreciate your efforts. i am sure that you will have no troudle whatsoever in finding someone far more capanle than I to fill the position. Best regards to Esther! jy this time she must have almost completed her formal thesis work. ” fratefully yours, lon