March 29, 1948. Miss Janey Harting, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Janey, I'm afraid If have to agree with the consensus: you are crazy, but that won't stop me from wishing you the best of luck. I am personally very sorry because we are getting on to a line of work here (enzymatic studies on meta- bolic mutants) that I think you would have enjoyed very much, and which I should have liked yuu see you use your imagination on. Several sources of support have opened up, and may remain bpea, so if you should change your ming at any time, let us know. In any event, write me how you are getting along. You don't have to do anything re cancelling your applications here-—- I'll take care of what needs to be done. Best regards, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg P.S. What kind of arrangenents have you made—- do you have that NIH fellowship?