MARINE EXPERIMENTAL STATION 7 12/15/46 THE LANKENAU HOSPITAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE NORTH TRURO, CAPE COD, MASS. Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you for sending me reprint of your very stimulating note In SCIENCE which I had read with appreciation. Have you run across J. Furth's article on Leucaemia recently in PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS. There he states what to my mind is an excellent position regarding the origin of "virus". Using the term for want of better. What I would like to see is a concerted concentrated investigation into the nature of "virus"; be it cancer or whatever. All those so far Lsolated seem to have nucleoid characteristics. As an old-line biochemist I would also like to see studies tracking down the origin of cytoplasmic nucleoproteinlike compounds. This is an open field for some young vigorous enthusiastic worker. And the new machines which help separation of cellular components could perhaps be used to advantage. Also once separation procedures were established the use of isotopes to trace the constituents and their precedents should being much of value. Just think what could happen in immunology if a virus formed in an egg could be made with isotope and then put into an animal and $raced to where it does its work. Sincerely | a Cr gee few 47. Dewi ie Fe , FSH: dwh Frederick S. Hammett, Scientific Director / we, v