April 4, 1949. De. de Me Doudorcf£f, Dept. Bacteriology, . - - _ University of California, . | . Berkeley. Dear Mike: I'm looking forward to seeing you at Cinncinnati, but there are a couple of things that might be taken up first. A. If you ati have in ind spending sous time hers, cun you give me any notion of when and how long it would be? I want to be able to reserve soma iab apace for you, and not have to sandwich you between too students. Sometime this summer or before the Fall semester (Sept. 19) would be preferred, but we cun probably aazke any arrange-rent that would sult your convenience. —... , B. I'd like to do some quantitative differential sugar determinations ! using T. monosa. Can you send ve a slant, possibly with some directions 4 needed? Thanks. . . C. Not much new on galactosidase; I've been very busy with heterosygotes | _ dn F. coli —- have a aanuseript in press for the April PYAS. Also, Rel2 ds lysogenic, and I've had to spend some time on that bypath also. If I haven't already nentioned this to you, one of the most startling rssults is that Lac)—- although lactose-"nagative™ when grown on lactose, produces coneiderable galactosidese, and washed cells ferment lantese vigorously, shen prorwn om butyk galactoside. This seems to diasoaddte the specificity of enzyme adaptation from the action of the enzyme once formed. Conversely, lactob'onate, whish is not utilized at all by the wild type ceils, nor shows any aprvraciably affinity for mlactosidase, ig very potent in eliciting the formation of the- enzymes , D. Galactosidase, or rather lactase in the present application, was, I hoped, going to be a cleanont story with ao complications like those in anylosaltase. That, galactose-negative cells accumulated hexose during Lactose utilization was rather encouraging. But lately, I've notdoed thet a suporessormicnt . combination, very mach Like J=252, low, LaofGla- fron Lac~Glu- from Lao/fle/? » wild typo, ferments lactose about 4times as rapidly as galactose, and still more effectively than glucose. Cells grown on lactose use butyl~galactoside as quickly as lactose, so that we are probably dealing with a special mechanisa for galactoside transfer (to phosphate?, or even to polysaccharide 777). I hhven't checked yet for glucose accumlations that's one of the purposes that I want T. monoga for, Like 4-327; (in respect to the secomi glucose) dried cells do not ferment lactose (although they split ghhactoside), while dried cells of K-12, of course, do ferment lactose as they do hexose. This is based on just one experinent. a“ . In all of this, I expect that we're dealin with sonething vary much analagous to Green's cyclophorase. His unextracted preparations completely oxidise pyruvate, and can apparently tranafer HS phosphate during the oxiddtion; the extracted enzymes put together perform moe$ of the Kreba cycle steps, but with neither a deperdemoe on no’ a use for phosphate. . , For Ginncinnati, I don't intend to say anything slong these lines, whieh | you are more competent to discuss. Rather, I hope to expound the genetde analysis and the adaptive properties of lactage. 380 you then, best tegards, Joshua Lederberg