September 11, 1967 Dr. Helen Spurway Genetics and Biometry Laboratory Government of Orissa Bhybaneswar ~ 3 Orissa, India Dear Helen: I have regretted for a long time that Professor Haldane's essays have been out of print and would like to know your reaction about partially rectifying the situation. I prepose to select a collection of his essays and arrange them for re-publication by the Indiana University Press. This would depend upon obtaining the necessary rights, of course, and I assume that you would have some part in their disposition. This is, however, not yet a formal request but simply an inquiry as to how you feel about such a project. If there is anyone else contemplating such a re~publication, particularly if it were to be on a larger scale of some of his entire volumes, I would happily withdraw. My intention with respect to any royalties, to the extent that I have any control over them, would be to have them directed in their entirety to you. Just while composing this letter it occurs to me that you might even have some plans of your own along these lines to which I would not only defer but in fact I would encourage you to consider it. If I could be of any assistante for such an enterprise please let me know. In any case I think the important thing is to make available to a younger generation some of the liveliest and most intelligent prose on scientific subjects that has ever been written, I have had little news of you in the last couple of years but want to offer you just my very best wishes. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL:bm Dr. Helen Spurway page two September 11, 1967 P.S. I had just recently been thinking of you in a completely different connection, namely your search for examples of parthogenesis. Have you written anything on this subject besides the article that appeared in the New Statesman and Nation for November 19, 1955. Imitation is supposed to be the best form of flattery and if you did not already know my feelings about Haldane you might draw the proper infer- ences from one of my present activities - namely to write a newspaper column weekly on "Science and Man" for the Washington Post. This has been syndicated on a very spotty basis but it does appear in the Northern Australia Age. That is quite a long way from Orissa: I am enclosing a couple of examples for your interest and with the premonition that I might soon comment 6n parthogenesis in turkeys if not in man. enc,