GENETICS AND BIOMETRY LABORATORY GOVERNMENT OF ORISSA BHUBANESWAR.-3 ORISSA, INDIA “Mh - 087). May 2¢, 10¢3 Dear Letevherg, Ios¢c thet necorcing to al of Keredity _- (July 1€Cl) you sre syonsorinz itute for Seicntific Tnoobustion.” I cnelose 2 lett izen Garfield, It Woule scan that he is toc bus: esmanship to read the stuff he sends out, is T p it, it is doubtless usetul as antisameriear propsganda, like the misprints in the Seientifie Forum series originally broadcast by The Yoice of America, and now reprinted and widely disseminated 7 here. Fortunately for rour country, some of the Soviet. stuff Lo is as bad, se ee ee I send you a copy of the. Lett position to-do. something aboutcit, - with ‘the Institute if. you. can! ‘There. ‘is. plenty ‘of good ° ‘style genetics to: be. ‘done here, for example the human beings do form endogamous. groups like Sewall Wright™s vostulated, Goats: and tasar.. ‘Silk moths have plenty of variation. And So on. If ever you come: ‘over, DasS a few nights with us Mirsky vill be able to report on us, and Ernst. “Moye lmons the place but not our house, Yours sincerely, GC B.$. Natelane J.3.5,. Maldsne) Prof, J, Lederbors Dopartment of Genefies S@ghool of -ledicine, Stanford Univorsit?, Palo Alto, Caolir, 5 TTOo2a “ we tele