May 31 ’ 1963 Dr. J. B. S. Haldane Genetics and Blometry Laboratory Government of Orissa Bhybaneswar - 3 Orissa, India Dear Professor Haldane: f am sorry about the misprints that plague the computer outputs. It is a serious problem; not uniquely American. Dr. Garfield will surely respond directly. If he spent tess time In sales~ manship, there would be no {SI at all: perhaps that would be preferable by your own reckoning. Your Invitation to visit Is vary much appreciated, and | will certainly take advantage of it when I can. §ut | have sharply cut down on travelling nowadays. You may have been thinking of €@ DNA conference | was invited to, but won't be able to attend. Do you think western comunities have been so much less Isolated? | rather think we grossly underestimate the stratification that still persists now, and must have been much sharper a generation ago. | am looking for sone measure of this through analyses of seasonabilIty of birth -- the detalls of the 10% + annual swing in the United States look like a distinctive signature of social group, so there should be something Interesting In birthday correlations among spouses (perhaps less confoundedly among slbs-In-law). Finding large files of useful family data is not easy, but the Census Bureau may eventually come through. The measures are so weak that very large numbers are needed and | have to find collections already machinable for conputer handling. All this started from a relnvestigation of the old storées about birthmonth vs. genius and mental retardation. | am quite con- vinced now that the seasonal effects are amply explained as indexes of family origin; this Is of course hard to prove without extensive kindred data. Sinedrely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics any Arye