OCT 15 1962 94 GENETICS AND BIOMETRY LABORATORY OCT 15 1862 SoA OF ORISSA Ne. H/EI) BHUBANESWAR-3 ORISSA, INDIA October 6, 19¢2 I don't know eny book or article entitled " The beshive C world", I certainly didn't write it myselr. Anyuay bee- hives swarm when they get too full I vouldn't write on this topic. I was fool enouzh to believe the people who weve Vorrisd by the falling birth rate around 1930. I think india is grossly undercultivated and underirrizated. I am mot sure that it is overpopulate “ though things would be easier if fewer babies were born . iL have gust moved here. and as Soon aS ve ean get apparatus we will start human genetics in a big way. Hean- waile we have be egun. Meera Khan has got a population in a malarious area with 63% of males deficient for G.P.D. I trust hin, as he put in 4 months with Sinisealco in Sardinia, Dronamraju has done color vision on 900 or so males on this Side of India. Protanopia is about as frequent as in Europe, out deuteranopia is not appreciably commoner than protanopia. ayo} vb @ I in a year or so we should have som etning to show vou, I 2lso have 2 house of reasonable size. So you and your wife Should come and stay with us. Till apparatus arrives, Jaya~ iar and my wife are busy with wasps. tner have, for the first time, the complete history of a small social wasps! nest, with life stories of about 1CO individuals. The rea-~ son Yor its decline and fall is not quite obvious. But the terminal symptom was under-po paceeion apperently due to cannibalism of larvae. It lo 28 if they overdid their Fanily planning! We also have ‘lots of data on Solitary wasps. Hay, dane Leé Lak at “ Cagle tly tA hie Wty tee anol lehcs hag Veet Os i é u 6 ’ ( hela (3.3.5. Haldane) Pror. J. Lederberg Prof, Departments of Ssnetics - 3cnool of Medicine _ \ Stanford University : AvL ralc .lto, Cslifornia _ an TT a ‘ y ve us We tle ¥