INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Telegram: STATISTICA, CALCUTTA-35 203, BARRACKPORE TRUNK ROAD Telephones : 56-3222 (9 lines) CALCUTTA-35 Ne. 130] H) 3 1] e@, Dear Lederberg, 16 May 1960 Thanks for your letter. As Burdette kept nagging me I applied to the local American consul. Before I could even apply for @ passport I had to state all organizetions which I had joiried since my 16th birthday (1908) With dates of joining and leaving them. As I cannot remember 811 these organizations or dates and object to (a) lying (>) putting myself in reach of U.S. criminal law by making @ false statement, this keeps me out. I send you two popularisations which may contain ideas novel to yOue S.K.Roy has had terrific success with rice. Two varieties planted in alternate rows gave 126% the mean yield per acre of the two planted separately, and 119% that of the better one. Dronamraju has either got a gene on the human Y or something even queerer. He will, I hope go to Columbia next year, looking for a Ph.D, He could give the lecture you suggest. By 1962 he should have several papers published Professor Joshua Lederberg, Yours sincerely, Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, IRS. Haldar Stanford University, Palo Alto, Califomia, U.S.A. . (J.B.S.Haldane) k (drm dee Fr eae |