23 August 1956. Dear Josh and Esther, A vair of wonderful vainless-steel instruments arrived last week, further deerening Your Cebt to vou. You are really most kind. I have been getting lessons from Eric Mao on the micromanivulation business, and well may get ints the microdropv-under-oil business after alt. At the moment, the most diabolical scheme I heve conceived is to. 9ke a hole intg one of the conulants, and watch vhat har ‘ens to its inamorata: this, I think, is technically more feasible than sevareting them. A microscove finally arrived today - the incandescent ribbon last week - s9 I am starting serious work at last. We have now teken to telegramming, co'‘lect, t9 Jordan Marsh, the me: chants who sent us blue chairs instead of green, but still not a single letter has reached us exolaining, apologizing, or even acknowledging. If I could find out the manager's neme, I'd write to him at his home: he vrobably hes a nice one, with more than two chairs. Garbage disdosal units in the kitchen have been extended to include a large nedal bucket, of the usual shape and size, but all vlastic. This evening I'm going to sone of the meetings, Since they have some ekctron micrograevhs t>) shov, and then we'll have our last session with Francis Ashton and his lute before Storrs. After the AIBS meetings, I imegine, things will be quite quiet around here. O yes, we also go down to the sea besnorkled now. Best wishes: Lad Memb. Corn. M.B.L. Thnks. fr. tin.