I2 YALE UNIVERSITY OSBORN BOTANICAL LABORATORY NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT : - — i Setober le, 1946. Ure Leot Univ Toma: Lear has been kind enough to aliow me to see a Cony of your manuscript: "fhe Statistical Theory of Sacterial sutations.t This peper wes especially interesting because Dr. 7,J.Ryan {oz Colushia University) ani I have been stud; ying the reverse-mutations of biocneralesl mutants < of bacteria, «nd have ha to estimate rates of mutation from the frequency of mutants oy the cusio nm to attenpt f QO Q general procedures described by Delprick. in the course of this work a satnegathcal protlem nas arisen concerniny ~nieh we should lixe to elicit your opinions or sussestions on ee aay we + wat o . x t a has-e - ag The experimants of Lurie and Celbritex revecle ad large difverances in Oo ™ culture to culture, the lerge value of ? r te variance being ascriced entirely te the a-noraal distridution awe ft oe 7 nee camry ot a wom ve de tee ps ~ tys ayy L conditioas. It was moped to vest this nypothesis oy using double autan: : Ne ey Foes An a 3 3 2 a " e east 7 4 of becteria, und ceternining, in different sSenples oO: a siven culture tig tre uency of reversions at eech locus. initicily, aAcstances or co- ne undead lis proh- x r a or ¢ a ’ Ni Tues 1 e 2 tec ~ wal} ~ Wel Lets 2 jective Ave 5° way ‘ iistributions Lik I ~~ c lidity even f ~~) a ab a7?) 2 @ pucsle wou "3 tion of ¢t evarnt irison. ©. ot 2 ated. > ? a ighly epprec . 7 d beh + whe “se ae al 1 - ee onsicder sour Cc Should also be very We y, Z revevant to t occurrenee of * rom fas ., 3 Lee wre: LRNGEPeN the ily that B ese ex~ . rm as Bout by +t seems to be bn vhicn eh the valli ty of our. ai nL te usjon w hacteris is tur in . G ” w RO he. a a uy oO 3. OU we a "4 ° re Hespectfully yours ards, id Q 7 ‘ith best re wr =