eee) TL ts See fee Sr SSS ee Age os eres London ners DOr tt Rote ra typewriteen copy of it. This wes SM De Ke ae sO dogize thut it is not relicble, Tae cigebre Wus OVer wis neud >: énd ae misread some of your iormilis. 1 ucve caugut sowe o1 tuese dus probi.ol, not ali. a Pe RO SO Pa rr eT eC a ttre ee POET nee 17 oe (Your wunyseript ug bepn-resa by “urir, Lersue,, ind seves - rel others ena I weve « talk about it nere lust wees walca wis ablenced by tose wae took the phege course this yearcnd by ERS MEET): le (oa oT aR people to whom elgebre is more coo re att ¢ an Te (se OME by © cy -1- 05 7 iim alse enclusing u reprint of ea Littie note on this problem wuich I published in the J. of tie Term. Acé&d. OL SCe, Whica has not yet found, io my knowledge, :. sympetnetic rezaer. I ative a few comments on your 2aper ano will erriunge taese =s footnotes to the type writcen copy waicn is murkea corres- pondingly. i. fhen we eetimetesa tne mutation rate from tue ween number of mutzents we toux us the tueoretical mezcn not tue true wean ef an infinite series o: tests but the disely wean to ve ex- ‘ pected in a limitea number of tests. Tne aiscrepencies betwe n the two metnods of estim.téon of tac Mutution rate @esn not be expluined in tue wu, you SUcceSte Cee OL Lee Ve ee bata 2d 2 a ee (142g (2-2g)n72, 0.4) 3e I @B think think tois recurrence formu&e does not cuces Withn tae preceding Line. 1 obtain instead eile Tee Mee ne 7) EY Thais leeds to a value ot Un = é Fey} | teoee eee eee ect PCA Cet DES CST ee mest \ Sa arate rte CCR Cre ae On pre acca ac nti sc ar e to the different ways in wuich mute tior Ds ceteetl aE 30 Sea cae eee tn be are equivalent. Botn give ON as tie ween Peer eer eC eee ee ae a ee your method and ours for tue culculetion» of the memente sre essentially tne same. You compare tiie woments for n and for n+l generations and te BPE CM cE ee a SE PE en a by -recurrence formulze, while we superimpose the voisson-Gistri- rn eC ae ee ei aoe tO eh PSEA Chole MN Yse Ie TAME Ot: Cn pes ae or eek Me Te CC eo to eliminate tue jackpots. 5. Tnis whole ergument was very enligntenin,, to me. 1 aad CET TM TCM TE hee em eee lo I ba ht sl aed MCMC Oct St. SMe CM ee Ca ERM oro D NS S bias ot tne distrabutton in fevor of powers of two. From your eye ae ECL RO Lhd only partially, since only the leck of synchronésm in the terminal sections of the pedigrees matters. I am not clear in ny mind as whet tue distribution would be if one retains perfect PME see PP eT Mee the bacterial divisions but allows mutetions to occur during eny stoge of the division cycle. Even if the Butctions aid | POT SET CRTC Te SC) Meee CC Se ME CMC CM Oe eppeerance of resistence migut occur at any stage during tue division cycle. I tnink this question of whether the distribu- tion is or is not biased in favor of powers of two is worta while following up theoretically and experimenteliy. 6. I do not understand the orizin of tue Lector in front of tne exponential 1n tuis equation. also 1 aw douotful whetuer tue result can be correct. Your argument, as I understand it, runs” TT Oe a ae ee CCL ed a eee Mee) Pes CORP eC PC we aR MR ee Ly en LT 2(l-n)N/(2=h) (1-2h) - eC CROCS Ra tm corresponding number in tne PPT COC Pe CUCL me De a eT te tion than in the stendard case. Consequently Po is smxd.ser tain 7 ” ae Oe a TM Se ON se a eee ee Er ee oe Lok talgepedieeciteths oy ia ae ts parcrentte Ets roe ome ti a ; : Meee tse lL te Long as as the. Ro cd occur. crear ae 7 ee for bth ae ea Ac Er ae Se oe, - f sm. ae a? ca ere race 80 ee writing tats cert eae ‘and been Rol Sy CL Ro) oa mnUseripte waen i cane By rea Rit): ae wes here first tue sywposiun and tnen a phcge course lor tured bee tees neituer left PUPS Se CPC Lae Che ba mee etre a ete symyposiun — i was wery “exciting, cia cel Me Came cee ese os WD eee ee people Perr} 7 tney aad indicetions of sex Lite in bacteria. If. bacteri: uave sex it is entirely Peer ae thet it snaould be CECT aera) now Oe tS mest) Bae) ee ToL) Se Rae eee Meer eney a: Bs at) doing experigents wits eneticully warked strains. Tue most exciting Ese Seb ee Tae some done at Yale in ere leboratory by a Rh fellow Leder- “berg. He first secured two double mutints of a strzin of boa cro P| (X-ray induced). Eaca of the double mut.nts nam had two srowta factor deficiencies. Gne wutanis was dcficient for a. ned BR, BLy, -and the other for ¢ and D. Taen he grew these two mut nts to- getner an broth. Then he pleted the mixture Gut on basal mediun end obtsinec a few "prototrophs" i.e. colonies o: becteris re- quiring no growtn fuctor. Hxesx He seendd to tuve ao:.¢ Osi OL tne obvious control experiments. Le nas since triea to ao tue same thing wita our strain "BE". He aid secure two doubic ae- ficient mutents, but dia not ye. any prototropus wnen rowing tnem togetuer. pAS pap Rome clad me L-T-7 Ve a BEES to uo a similer experinent witu Te tents of the phege resistence typo. He tuxes, sey, b/if/2 ana B/3/4 .cna grows tiem together ana tucn tests to see wnetner ue has eny B/1/2/3/4. So far no Luck. With best regerds ' sincerely yours Kie Delbriick ¥ ; , ane Cree Pe