HOW TELEGRAMS: CANCER, SOUTH KENS, LONDON. THE CHESTER BEATTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE TELEPHONE: FLAXMAN 1484-5 and 4198. THE ROYAL CANCER HOSPITAL, FULHAM ROAD, 7 ~4> PROFESSOR ALEX. HADDOW, M_D.,D.Sc.,Ph.D. (piRecToR) LONDON, S.W. 3. Ist April 1952. Dear Dr. Lederberg, I must say I seem fated not to have the opportunity of meeting you to which I have so long looked forward! With characteristic American hospitality it was arranged I should be speaking at three meetings at the same time, on the day on which I had hoped to take part in the Genetics Panel. This proved impossible, and I hope my apologies were duly conveyed. I was, however, most grateful to you for the copy of your Progress Report, which I need not say [ have found of great interest. I hope we may have an opportunity to discuss all these matters on some other occasion. Have you by chance any plans for coming over to Europe at any time in the near future? With kind regards, Yours sincerely, hr VNthhbiics Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, College of Agriculture, Madison 6, Wisconsin, U.S.A.