FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH BETHESDA 14, MARYLAND {IN REPLYING, ADDRESS THE Experimental Biology and Medicine Institute April a, 1948 Dr, Joshua Lederberg Assistant Professor of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: In cleaning up my desk recently, I cameacrose your letter which you so kindly sent to me some time ago, concerning reversion in EK, coli, and I noticed yor request in regard to mutants of strain #58, which I had apparently overlooked before, As a matter of fact Howard Mason was mistaken in telling you ‘that I had quite a few of Strain #58 mutants, The mutants I have . produced in the past have been mutants of E, coli American TypeCutt. Collection #9723. However, recently we have accumulated quite a few mutants © of Strain #58, end I have characterized two of these as requiring pyrimidines, These are very stable with reversion frequencies of less than 10-9 on horse meat infusion agar. I shall be glad to send these to you if you should care for them, Among your remarks concerning reversion you mentioned that one reversion from lactose = negative to lactose — postive has been analyzed genetically and proven to be a reverse mutation, I am assuming this was not done in bacteria, I should like to have the reference to this work, I am planning on attending the SAB meeting in Minneapolis from May 10 ~ 14, and will also probably be in Madison for a short time, It would be a pleasure to visit you at your convenience, Sincerely yours, (34 Robert Guthrie, Ph.D, —_