November 3, 1954 Dr. Clifford Grobstein National Cancer Institute Bethesda 14, Maryland Dear Cliff: The first thing that Father and I did when I got back to Yadison was to set up some dry runs on experimnts to test the transfer of "F+" through a menbrane filter. Some experimental trials are in the mill now, using the standard thickness H filters. I will be quite astonished if this works through 150 uw thickness [but I was also as-~ tonished when the first "contagion" experiment worked too}. We will know about this in a few days. The main point I wanted to tell you about is that the experimental design is entirely feasible, and that with these filters it should be possible to get clean results even with rather small pieces. The setup ds such that I would prefe@ to use pieces about 3-4 om. in dhameter, but that the actual critical dimensions are rather smaller, so that occasional breaks ought not to be critical. The tnoculum that is planted on the top surface forms small, well localized colonies whichd should be separable without too mich trouble from any colonies that do come from breakthroughs. As I told you before, there will not be the least difficulty telling when such an event has happened: for example, the recipient culture is a strepto- mycin-sensitive(S®) F-; the donor an ST F+. If any of the latter break through as contaminants, they can be detected very readily by plating samples of the recipient colonies on streptomysin medium. If you can conveniently send us some of your special membranes, we should be able to do some proper preliminary experiments to decide whether to pursue this approachs Have you any suggestion about sterilizing theg? I would sooner stay away from chemieals. If they won't take steam (stacked between blotters), then a heavy dose of ultraviolet on both sides should do it, don't you think? Under separate cover, I am sending a stack of reprints. Much of this stuff may be somewhat obscure and of only marginal interest, but I would welcome any comment you might have, especially on the F story, which has so far had a remarkable similarity to your own. I need hardly add that many geneticists have been groping for alternative formulations in addition to the siaplest ideas of infective particles to account for examples of extrachromosomal deter— mination. Yours sincer: ly. f get ro K Joshyx Lederberg a, og “ Yours sincerely. bbe pie opr tn. Prt ip Arn & atiey Of haypemsoh WA Tum dhe Lua? F pera (Lp Canebled out, dul eer VU AL. ae VASTA é Ato —~ ye fal beclge averhint thi kibecbotce alli cco ince bobady rte a2. we ryee Ces Po € eta ee 8 : Boe . 1 con a Poop ace ep howe we ‘ . pa he . : ’ 4 : ‘ . } x t a ~ : .