DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH National Collection of Industrial Bacteria Telephone: Mo .esey 1380 Telegrams : CHEMISTRY, TEDDINGTON CHEMICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY TEDDINGTON Any reply to this letter to be addressed to : MIDDLESEX THE DIRECTOR Our Ref: WSG 66/30/7 7th December, 1956. Your Ref: JL/ nhn Dear Professor Lederberg, Thank you for your letter of November 26th, Since then I have written again to Dr. Hughes, of John and E, Sturg@Ltd,, Selby, Yorkshire, who requested your Kl12 strain of E. coli. He has now replied:- "The idea from which I hope to develop a method of gluconic scid determination was described by SS, Cohen, J, Biol, Chem, 177, 607, (1949), "Adaptive enzyme formation in the study of uronic acid by the K12 strain of E, coli". The author observes that 'the most marked diauxie was observed with the K12 strain of Tatum and Lederberg, (J. Bact, 53, 673, 1947)'. He then says "It now appears that I shall have to postpone this project for some time and I think the best arrangement would be for me to obtsin the strain from Dr, Hayes when it is needed", Thank you for your help, It is greatly appreciated, Professor Joshua Lederberg, Yours sincerely, Depertment of Genetics, ft ys 0 The University of Wisconsin, tA Ss. . KER ASE College of Agriculture Madison , Wise, U.S.A, W.S. Greaves,