DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH NATIONAL COLLECTION OF INDUSTRIAL BACTERIA Telephone: MO.Lresey 1380 CHEMICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY Telegrams : CHEMISTRY, TEDDINGTON TEDDINGTON Any reply to this letter to be addressed to MIDDLESEX THE DIRECTOR Our Hef: WSG/66/30/7 5th November, 1956 Dear Sirs, ve have had a request for your K,12 strain of &, coli, used for the determination of gluconic acid. If you would be kind enough to deposit this strain in the National Gdiection of Industrial Bacteria we should be very grateful. Yours sincerely, W.S. GREAVES E,L. Tatum & Joshua Lederberg, Dept. of Botany and Microbiology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, WM U.S.A.