Bacteriology Department, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Ne3e, Victoria, Australia, i + llth March, 1954. Professor J. Lederberg, ” Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, WISCONSIN, U.Sahe Dear Professor Lederberg, Professor Rubbo has written to tell me that you would like to obtain if strain of E. coli used in the induced drug vesistance experiments carried out by him in association with Pains. ‘s I am not sure whether théeée will arrive before Rubbo departs from Wisconsin I have decided to write to you directly. I am forwarding under separate cover dried ampoules of the McElroy strain in its non-resistant form. Unfortumtely Mr. Paine has now left this department and I have been umable to contact him to determine whether a dried strain of this organism in his collection that is resistant to 80,000 units of dihydrostreptomycin is identical with the one produced in these experiments, Therefore, I shall not send it unless I hear from you that you would like the resistant strain as well as the original and by that time I should know something more about its origin, Please advise me if I can be of further assistance in this mtter. Professor Rubbo as written in glowing terms of your department and it would appear that his stay with you has been a most useful experience. You are no doubt aware that Dr. Nancy Millis, one of our lectufers with a bright future, will be visiting your University this year. It would seem, therefore, tht Professor Peterson's visit under the Fulbright Scheme ms established a liaison between our universities which at least from our point of view is a most useful one. With kind regards, ‘ Yours sincere }y’, / - Acting Professor of Bacteriology.