Nov. 11, 1952 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I wonder whether it would be possible for me to obtain strains of K12. I would like to use them to attempt to prepare mutants by the penicillin[?] method--mutants connected with [...] synthesis. I would rather start with a sexual organism if possible and that is why I have thought of your K12 strain. I am told however that there's the added complication of prophage. Do you have any K12 free of prophage? Or does that make any difference in growth. For [...] mutants it would be ideal to start with a highly aerobic, rapidly respiring bacterium--on the assumption that the more actively respiring ones have more [...] enzymes. Does your K12 use up lots of O2 under aerobic conditions? Could one use the [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] penicillin technique on some other actively aerobic bacterium--other than B. coli? I shall be gratified for any advice and suggestions you may have. Cordially S. Granick