Columbia Gniversity College of Physicians and Surgeons 630 WEST 168TH STREET NEW YORK 32, N.Y. INSTITUTE OF CANCER RESEARCH FRANCIS DELAFIELD HOSPITAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK CANCER RESEARCH LABORATORIES January 12, 1953 OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I have just this minute received the four reprints you sent me under your signature. Thank you for thinking of me, I shall study them with more tnan ordinary interest although I must confess that you geneticists are a little esoteric for my taste. We nave fallen heir to what was once a genetic exper- iment, E. C. MacDowell's leukemia experiments. I shall be very happy to tell you about it sometime. I hope that you and your wife find the climate, hoth academic and otherwise, to bs congenial. I imagine that you would let me know if there are more than two Lederbergs. Ada joins me in best wishes, Sincerely, SG: jk