Columbia Aniversity College of Physicians and Surgeons 630 WEST 168TH STREET NEW YORK 32,N.Y. DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY SURGICAL PATHOLOGY August 20, 1946 Dear Josh; With my head boweƩ in shame I write you that the coli mutants would not grow in transplants (3 attempts) . Could you send me duplicates of all three since I am rather anxious to determine their usefulness in assay. As far as biosynthesis is concerned, I will certainly consult you well in advance. I think it will be useful, however, at this time to determine the organism's efficiency in utilization of nitrogen; how much of the medium N goes into nucleic acid, Roukhly 10% of the neurospora N is nucleic acid N, but even there I haven't determined the efficiency of utilization. I may then grow a small culture for analysis; I should expect that from the E. Coli will get about thirty to fourty percent nucleic acid, certainly more profitable than neurospora for us. We are having variable results in our isolation of nucleic acid from neurospora; we don't have the last word there yet. E, Coli will present adifferent picture, but I wonder if we'll get a= more desoxyribo out of it. Sincerely, amuel Graff,