IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS January 23, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: As possibly you are aware we are attempting to have a Bio-Stat- istical Conference during this coming June and July. This con- ference is a joint effort of the Biometric Section of the Amer- ican Statistical Association and the Iowa State College. ‘The Iowa State 8ollege will reimburse the speakers for expenses so far as that is possible, In this matter we shall try to reim- burse program participants for actual out-of-the-pocket expenses only, i.e., rail travel and living expenses while here. A local committee at Iowa State College has charge of the immediate ar- rangements, I enclose a copy of the tentative program and a partial list of invited program participants. The program is planned as an attempt to bring a biologist and a statistician together at each morning session in a discussion of a topic in Blo-Statistics, There will be a general discussion period on the same topic the same afternoon. Similar afternoon discus- sion periods proved quite helpful in clarifying the contents of papers presented at the morning sessions of the Ames Heterosis Conference during the summer of 1950, It is expected that the conference will bring together workers in the various biolozical sciences, statisticians, and those who are interested in stat- istics as a research tool. It is planned to publish the proceed- ings of the conference, We should be pleased to have you a mem- ber of the conference. We would like to have you speak on the general subject of "Analysis of genetic and population data on viruses and bacteria", My interest in your work makes me sure you will give us some very interesting data and discussion, The pro- gram is such that we would like this presentation on June 27 Iowa State College is prepared to pay the actual traveling ex- penses of program participants to and from Ames in addition to a week's living expenses while in Ames, Since it is imperative that the list of speakers be completed as quickly as possible would you kindly let us know whether you can participate at your earliest convenience, I hope you will be with US Sincerely yours, UW, ohn W. Gowen rofessor of Genetics IWG-dt enCe Rew had stp) peviersoy BIOSTATISTICS CONFERENCH June 16 — July 23, 1952 Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa A biostatistics conference has been scheduled for the first session of the 1952 Summer Quarter at Ames, sponsored by faculty members working in agriculture, biology and statistics at Iowa State College and by Phe Biometrics Society (NAR). The subject matter of the five-week conference is arranged so that many who cannot attend the entire conference can advantageously come for one or more of the weeks. Iowa State College is giving the Conference financial support. Publication in book form is intended, The plan of the program is that each morning a biologist will present a problem, outline the objectives, describe techniques suitable for the experiment and analysis, A paired statistician will discuss suitable experimental designs and statistical and mathematical methods for attacking the problem. These speakers will preside at a general discussion period of the same topic the same afternoon, Similar discussion periods proved quite helpful in clarifying the contents of papers presented at the morning sessions in the Heterosis Conference at Ames the summer of 1950. Evening discussion groups or workshop meetings are also possible. The program is tentatively arranged in five somewhat separate weekly units as follows; First week: Development of Quantitative Biology Second week; Specification of Pepulations and Their Processes Tiird week; The Estimation of Populations Fourth week: Individual Growth Fifth week; Biomathematical Mechanisms Within the Individual and Species Invited speakers include: Edgar Anderson, Geoffrey Beall, Joseph Berkson, Chester I, Bliss, P. W. Bridgman, Samuel Brody, C. West Churchman, William G. Cochran, C. C, Cockerham, Jerome Cornfield, Charles W. Cotterman, James F. Crow, S. L. Crump, D. B. Delury, Gordon B, Dickerson, Harold F. Down, A. M. Dutton, W. T. Federer, Robert P. Gage, C. B. Godbey, A. A, Hasel, P, G. Homeyer, John W, Hopkins, H. Hotelling, S. Isaacson, 0. Kempthorne, H. H. Kramer, Warren Leonard, Howard Levene, H. L. Incas, S. 3, Iluria, J. L. Lush, William G. Mad ow, Walter M. Meyer, Lloyd Miller, H. J. Muller, H.C. Murphy, Jerzy Neyman, H, W,. Norton, Thomas Park, N. Rashevsky, A. S. Rosenblueth, L. W. Scattergood, Franz Schrader, John P. Scott, G. W. Snedecor, G. W. Stewart, P. C. Tang, D. J. Thompson, John W. Tukey, A. S. Wiener, Norbert Wiener, Frank Wilcoxon, Edwin B. Wilson, Sewall Wright, M. R. Zelle, J. A. Zoellner. Early responses indicate that most of these can take part. Some revision of the topic and of their time arrange- ment will doubtless be necessary when replies have been received from all, It is expected that the Cenference will be of interest to advanced unde graduates, graduate students, and to research workers in the various biological sciences and statisticians who are interested in statistics as a research tml, Some graduate credit in Statistics will be allowed for attendance and study during the Conference. Rooms will be available in the college dormitories at the usual rates, For more detailed information write: T, A. Bancroft, Director, Statistical Labaratory, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, BIOSTATISTICS CONFERENCE To be held at Iowa State College June lé-July 23, 192 Frocvosed Program quantitative Methods in Biology First Ueek: Development of \uantit: tive Biology (1) Biometry, its makers and concepts (2) !athematices and Statistics in quantitative diclogy Techniques Session I: Fitting of growtn curves (3) Correlation ana causation 18 dioretric concepte (4) Philosophy of experimente tion Techniques Session 1]: Ulnear regression (5) General Survey of ev p-rimental desiens Sacond veek: Specific-tion of Populations and their Processes (2) Problems in Classifying animate vonulations (2) Breeding structure Of ponulations Techniques Session II]: Diseriminant functions (%) Time chanres in populations (4) Competition end other interactions between povulations Teenniques Sasaion Ly: Yetim tion and teste in entomological research (5) Analysis of fenetic and population data in viruses and bacteria Euird Neek: The Hetimation of Porulatione (1) Methodology in sam- ling human populations (2) Problems of forrat inventory for atand, rrowth and yield Techniques Session Vy: Estimation of a biolopier] poonletion (3) “stimotineg wildlife and parasite popul- tions Teauniques Session VI: Ar: example of tne use of sé.uenti-] onalysis (4) atin tine rene frequencias in Non-exverimental porulntions Teainisues Session VII: “stimotion of gene frequency in human porulation Biostatistics Conference ~2- Proposed Program Third Veek; (continued) (5) Linkare estieation from Single g*nerntion data and from chromosome interchange Fourth Week: Individual Growth -€1) Cell eewth and division (2) Taste dincriminition orodlems Techniques Session VIII: Bacteriological assay (3) Individanl prowta in econoniec animals (4) Mecsurement and comparison of toxicities: the quantal response (5) Insecticidal and fungicide) nesay Technijues Session 1X: Blologiesl assay with quantal response Fifth Week: Biomathemitical Meohanisas Within the Individual and Species (1) Servomechanians in nerve functioning (2) Research in anime) behavior and factor analysis (3) Biological ané statistical utilization of genetic sub-zroups such as identical twins, clones, etc, (4) Mathematicnl and biolozteal interpretation of ratiation effects On fenes, chromosomes and the fanctioning of body ceils {h) Hatneerties) internretition of svolitionary processes Comal tteas biometrics Seetion of the American st iistical Assocs ition, J. W. Gowen, Anea, Chairman; a. G6, vtednberr, Mayo Clinic, rGenesters Gertrude Cox, Nort: Caralina vtate Colleza, Falaten: 4. 1, Pederer, Cornell Tniversnity, Tthaes, i CAs & cate Came rane. Program; 0, Xourtiorge, Chairman: J. °, vOwen, &. Le Lush; 6. 4. Benerots Sitangoments: T. A. Banerofe, Ghademerns #. 5, i omeyer,; Ve OU, onedegor; A. 7. hordskog; I, 2, Carlurder: 4. ©, Loomis * th