General Inquiries—4 1001: Ext. 31. Professor of Bacteriology—41001: Ext. 41. Professor of Bacteriology : T. J. MACKIE, C.B.E., M.D., LL.D., D.P.H. BACTERIOLOGY DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY NEW BUILDINGS TEVIOT PLACE EDINBURGH, I Telephone Nos. : Inquiries regarding Bacteriological Service, S.E. Regional Hospital Board—4 2542. 23rd..September......19..55 Dear Professor Lederberg, I apologise for being so long in replying to your letter but I have been away on holiday and have only just now returned, Thank you for your interest in my note in 'tature', The phenomenon of apparent change in phage type was noted in this laboretory almost accidentelly and has not been observed with all of our strains, There are many streins which are penicillin-sensitive and of Iysotypes belonging to Grp III, just as there are pen-resistant strains of lysotypes belonging to Gp's I and II. Thus it is not a simple relationship. The penicillin-sensitive Gp. III strains occur fairly freavently emong the general population of this erea - say 15% of carrier strains, but they are not the same types as the Gp. III strains which I find in hospital or obtain after exposure of sensitive strains to penicillin. However, one great difficulty in the interpretation of bacteriophage typing of Staphylococci, is that since the reactions with Gp.III phage are not well defined it is sometimes difficult to de@ide whether or not a strain is different from another on the ~esis of minor, or even a -major difference in the pheedly 4g pattern. For a time, when studying the antibiotic-resistant strains"? a sin-le hospitel, I was of the opinion that there was some sort of "gradation" of pattern with differing antibiotic sensitivity, e.g. : Type Penicillin resistant ‘ ADL/5A/75 Streptomycin sensitive Penicillin resistent Streptomycin resistant AQ 750 76/99 Penicillin resistant Not Streptomyc’n resistant typable . —_ weak Tetracycline resistant voaotions to 76/77 but/ but exnerimental work has not given support to the view that these differences: in phage: pattern could be acquired alon- with the acquisition of resistance to semehityve antibiotics. Suceessiv & . On the whole I woul¢c agree with you that exposure to the drug appears to be a condition for the change in phare type anc this is further supported by the followinz evidence ( which may also fit with the "prophege" theory ). - phage We occasionally observe spontaneous @#ekelysis in strains of Staphylococei isoleted from cases. This phenomenon occurs with greater frequency when the strains are exposed to penicillin of a certain concentration, as occurs when we are carryins. out initial antibiotic- sensitivity determinations, if the phage released et this phase is separated from the parent culture it is usuelly founc to be of ¢p.III and also similer to phages which now lyse the penicillin-resistant variants. Thus , + 4 , Exposed to Penicillin- original culture Penicillin. resistant say of type 34, Autolysogenésis variant resistant to phage 77 Phage separeted isoleted and found to be Sirilar to Phage 77 not auto- lysogeni¢. type 77, resistant to phage 3A. The problem warrants much closer looking into, and this we are doing. a I have sttempted to induce the resistance of Staphylococci to bacteriophage and corr lated this with change in sensitivity to antibiotics, but so far without clear-cut results. I have also carried out experiments with antibiotic-sensitive and resistant strains isoleted from the same environment to see whether cross-resistance and cross-chanses in phege type could be induced, and also if there was any significant difference between the two parent strains in these respects. The only setisfactory evidence so far is in support of the comron fincing that penicillin resistant Staphylococci ( i.e. penicillinase producers ) are frecuently resistant to other antibiotics but venicillin-sensitive streins sre not ( under natural conditions). Unfortunately, peniciliinase production is not a moropoly of Gr. TII lysotypes but does occur with Gp. I and II. I/ 3. I shall study your most helpful suggestions on replica plating and indirect selection. It would indeed be interesting to see if spontaneous mute ,resistant to antibiotics retained their lysotynpe. I enclose a copy of the note in Nature and some others which are only indirectly concerned, but may possibly be of interest to you. Most of my work on this problem has not yet been published, . Yours sincerely, Professor Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin, U.S.A