Sugust 10, 1955 Dr. J. C. Gould Bacteriology Departmant University New Building Teviot Place Fdinburgh 1 Dear Dr. Gould: Your note in Nature for July 23 has just come to my notice. Might I ask the favor of reprints of your work on drug resistance, BRREATAKTY XKR which I would particularly like to have for my reference file for a monograph pn the subject. I hope you are planning to investigate the mechan&sm of this effect more fully. I would doubt! that an "ordinary" mutation to penicillin resistance would alter the phage type, and wonder if exposure to the drug is not the essential precondition. There is a strong suggestion of such an ef fect in Voureka' s paper (J. Gen Microb.6:352). If so, one might get changes in wat phage type after exposure without neces-— sarily developing resistance. Alternatively, the new phage type might directly confer resistance per se. Are there type IIT strains that are penicillin-senshtive? Another approach to this hypothetical mechanism would be replica plating and indirect selection; if the phage type change depended on exposure to the drug, then resistant mitants selected indirectly might smack retain their dx original lysotype (and might be espectally suitable materia do demonstrate direct effects of penicillin on the lysotype). We had another suggestion of this effect some time ago: a lysogenic Salmonella strain would (sometimes sporadically, but especially under the *pehicillin)influence of*kiwograagm) release a more virulent phage which, in turn re-infec ted the parent bacterium. The reinfected strain had a different lysis pattern to various phages, but was not tested by the standard typing reagents. Yours sincerely, Sow eh OF O™ Foyt et ae - Joshua Lederberg’ / é Professor of Genetics