UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS COLLEGE of AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION URBANA, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT of HorticuLTurE April l2, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed is a reprint of "The Physiology of the Actinomycetes". I am delighted that you have under~ taken the study of the genetics of this group of organisms. We had contemplated doing this for a few years now, but always “backed off" because we never felt competant to carry through such a program. For the past few years we have been studying the biosynthesis of chloramphenicol, a metabolic product of Streptomyces venezuelae. As part of this investi- gation, we have studied the production of U.V. and X-ray mutants. Many mutants appear with X-ray irradiation. Most frequent are those for pigment production, early fragmentation of the mycelium, loss of sporulation and colony size. In addition, some mutants lose their autotrophic (except for carbon) metabolism. A few mutants which we have tested pro duce a great deal of acids, which we are identifying. We are now attempting to find the growth-promoting factor which is absent in the mutants that have lost their ability to grow on chemically defined media. The mutants which no longer produce a melanin-type pigment but retain their mycelial habit also are very striking. Some of these cultures mignt furnish excellent material for genetic studies. If you are interested in some of these cultures, we would be glad to cooperate with you. Sincerely yours, Sy SRA David Gottlied © Professor, Plant Pathology DGivgg Om. Go Y KOIx arerRabQg “KA We Rachie, eat cay \ae olrtoney Sang Bem tens, Seah ens mes, OE SS