UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The School of Medicine DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY October 30, 1952. Dr. Joshua Yederberg Department of “enetics University of “isconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Lederberg: I have delayed answering your inquiry concerning lysogenicity in E. coli B because I kept hoping that each day I would have something more definite to tell yous We have isolated, on several occasions, phage from plagues obtained by plating E. coli © on K-12 or W-1485. Unfortunately, these occur in very low frequencies with poor reproducibility. We are quite convinced that E. coli B, or perhaps mutants of B, can form plaques on 4-12. However, the ability to show this has been quite sporadic and elusive. We hope to event- ually determine the optimim conditions, one of which at present appears to be a regime of starvation. We also are ever aware of the technical possibilities of a contamination with a lysogenic strain. As soon:as we can reproduce this at will I shall let you know. We too have found that the W strain is lysogenic producing several tyoes of phage, one of which plates on K-12 but not on a wild type which we obtained from clinical sources (WM-13); the other plates on WM-13 but not on K-12. bob Guthrie tells me that he obtained one of your purine requiring strains from Bernie Davis which grows in guanine but not adenine. This is not a usual occurrence. I am particularly interested in the purines and pyrimidines and would greatly appreciate any of your mitants which show requirements for these substances. Sincerely, JSG: jlh