May 11, 1956 Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lederberg: Yesterday I received the current issue of Upjohn's "Scope Weekly" and was pleased to see your picture along with the information that you have received the 1956 Pasteur Award of the Society of Illinois Bacteriologists. My congratulations to you both. I know that you rightly deserve any and all honors which you receive. You are probably wondering if and when I am going to settle down. The future is difficult to foretell, but this may be the time. Dr. Morgan, under whom I work, has expressed interest in my working toward a Master's degree starting this fall. If so, I shall be here for sometime. Classes will of necessity be part time along with the performance of my duties as Principal Serologist a title which I inherited from a New York State Budget Allowance. I am currently supervising the city laboratories doing clinical diagnosis. At present my specific job is to set up GF tests for virus diseases. Our methods must be approved by Albany (New York State Jobs) so it takes some time to [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] initiate the new procedure to both on satisfaction and theirs. We have another daughter, Barbara, born April 19. I think 2 is going to be our limit. They're nice, but, like everything else, expensive. The second is as much fun (and work) as the first, and both are healthy, normal, noisy children so we're very pleased. My congratulations again to both of you. I am proud to have begun my work under you. It was the best experience anyone could have had. Sincerely,