Oct. 11. 1955. Dear Joshua, You will doubtless be surprised at receiving a communication from me from this corner of the world! I have been away in Europe for the past 4 months and you letter asking me for my opinion of Duraiswani has just reached my here as I am about to take off for India (after having travelled half across Europe!) My silence must have seemed odd to say the least especially in view of the urgency of your request. Forgive me for this delay which as you can see was entirely unavoidable. Now about Mr. Duraiswani, while it is true I was on of the examiners for his Masters' thesis, I know very little about him beyond the fact that he is one of Subramanyani's proteges and as such fully indoctrinated with the latter's strange ideas. I fully agree with you in your evaluation of Subramanyani's work. The thesis which D has submitted for the Master's degree was in keeping with Subramanyani's philosophy of genetics and cytology. However it might do him good to be exposed to some formal genetics and so disabuse him of the misconception he has been [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] exposed to. Anyway, I fear my comments will come to you rather late for your consideration, as I suspect you have made your own as arguments failing to receive any answer earlier. I shall be relieved in knowing your decision though. Kindly write to me in future to the following address: A.R. Gopal-Ayengar Biology Div., Dept of Atomic Energy, Indian Career Research Centre, Parel, Bonbay 12. With best regards to you both, Yours, Gopal P.S.: I was sorry to have missed seeing you last year during my all too brief visit to Madison. You were away in Washington at that time.--